Arriving today another publication in our virtual library! Take a look at the catalog of the 2nd exhibition of the 29th São Paulo Cultural Center (CCSP) Exhibition Program, which took place at the iconic cultural space – located in the city of São Paulo – from September to December 2019. Recognized as a referential program in Brazil, it has been highlighting important names in the visual arts over the past 30 years. Among the seven artists selected for this edition, two of them are represented by Portas Vilaseca Galeria, No Martins and Raquel Nava. Also selected were the following artists: Alexandre Alves, Claudia Nên, Júnior Pimenta, Larissa Schip and Luciana Paiva, in addition to the guest artists, Denilson Baniwa and Renata Felinto. The texts are distributed throughout the Program’s critic group, composed by Alexandre Araújo Bispo, André Pitol, Camila Bechelany, Fabricia Jordão, Leno Veras, Leonardo Araújo Beserra, Maíra Vaz Valente and Paola Fabres. At the show, No Martins presented the series “Tudo Sob Controle”, which addresses – through the use of photography and video installation – the selective justice system of incarceration in Brazil. Raquel Nava, on the other hand, presented her still lifes in the series “Apresuntados”, through installation and photographs of processed foods and taxidermied animals.

Download here your copy and enjoy your reading!


We are very thankful to Centro Cultural São Paulo for allowing the distribution of this publication in our virtual library.

Visual Arts Curatorship – Centro Cultural São Paulo
Maria Adelaide Pontes, Diana Tsonis, Jeff Keese and Wesley dos Santos (intern)

Graphic Design
Solange de Azevedo

©Portas Vilaseca Galeria.