Our represented artist Pedro Victor Brandão participates in TERREMOTO MAGAZINE’S 2nd Contemporary Art Auction, which takes place in Mexico City on March 11, 2021 from 7:30 PM to 11PM (GMT-6). The event features relevant works developed by artists from the Americas, selected by Dorothée Dupuis — founder and director of TERREMOTO. 

The proceeds will benefit TERREMOTO and contribute to the funding of the production and circulation of the magazine, as well as the realization of special projects, such as events,  residencies, etc.

Since its founding, TERREMOTO, the leading magazine on contemporary art in the Americas, has endeavoured to create spaces of critical dialog in our continent, operating as an international nonprofit network.

TERREMOTO disseminates an interdisciplinary point of view on current practices, as well as on agents and relevant issues to the region with a critical glimpse. TERREMOTO comprises a quarterly printed version – with distribution points in Mexico, Latin America, the United States and Europe – and a digital platform with various contents.

In 2021 new mechanisms were implemented to fund activities and ensure the development of TERREMOTO’s positive influence on the field of art. To this end, the civil association APAA (Pan American Association of Arts) is in the process of consolidation, in order to create new projects of content production, grant distribution and a series of international outreach initiatives. Additionally, after a 1-year interruption – due to the COVID-19 pandemic -, TERREMOTO will be launching its 20th issue in the spring of 2021.

For more info about TERREMOTO, visit: 

To download the auction catalog:

Learn more here about the practice and trajectory of artist Pedro Victor Brandão.


Info about the art work in auction

Logs #1, from the series WYBINWYS (2012-2019)
Wood, refractive pellicle, acrylic, steel screws and gelatin silver print
25 x 14,5 x 3 cm
Edition: unique

WYBINWYS is a series of photo-objects made between 2012 and 2019 with found pieces of wood, refractive pellicles and gelatin silver prints that bring a reflection on availability and construction of imagery around scenes in which the action of gravity is determinant. As an attention test, this series is only accessible through its corners, never from the front. The title WYBINWYS is the acronym to “what you buy is not what you see”, alluding to the origin of linguistic data processing in computing and to the creation of virtual goods of consumption. Logs #1 (2019) was presented by the first time at Pedro Victor Brandão’s last solo show Forjada e Outras Formas, at Portas Vilaseca Galeria.


About the artist

Pedro Victor Brandão (Brazil, 1985) develops series of works with the mediums of photography, painting, objects, and social experiments. His practices bring political landscapes throughout research on the fields of economics, cybernetics, and the legal boundaries of art. Pedro has participated in group shows at EAV Parque Lage, Centro Cultural Parque de España, Fundação Iberê Camargo, MAM-Rio, SESC, Villa Medici, among other institutions. He presented solo shows at Casa França-Brasil, Portas Vilaseca Galeria, and Sé. He lives and works in Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.


©Portas Vilaseca Galeria.