Represented by Portas Vilaseca Galeria, artist Íris Helena presents a new body of works in the group show “At Memory’s Edge”, opening this Saturday (15 January), at Fundación Pablo Atchugarry Miami, USA.

Curated by Luna Goldberg, the show investigates monuments as wounds of the past — structures that have manipulated the built environment and how we, as individuals and a society, navigate and negotiate public space and collective memory. The selected works also question whose voices are represented and silenced against the backdrop of our cities and urban spaces, and which narratives are deemed worthy of being fixed in history. Also participating are artists Ashley M. Freeby, Efrat Hakimi and Lihi Turjeman.

In total, Íris presents three new works, two of them emerge from her series “Markers” (2015). In “Finger Pointers”, the artist displays her collection of images of monuments printed on colored post-it page flag markers, organizing them in 2 books produced by the artist. All monuments point to directions, or try to point our gaze in some direction, as a kind of “intimidating” action, somehow dictating where we should look, where to go, how to think, etc. In ”21 volumes”, taking the same collection of monuments printed on post-it page markers, Íris has chosen those that bring the male figure, distributing them in 21 blank books, also produced by the artist. Each of these books corresponds to a century of our history, predominantly a patriarchal, male, white history. These piles of books display a history that has not been written by us, but by the hegemonic fraction that constitutes the world – a westernized  and white history.

And finally, “Erasing Columbus” brings the figure of Christopher Columbus, known officially as the “discoverer” of the Americas, but also a character full of controversies, especially in his connection with colonialism and indigenous genocide. In this installation, Iris appropriates several images of Columbus monuments that are spread across the American continent and prints these images in heat and on sensitive paper (similar to fax paper). As the exhibition takes place, the images of Columbus dissolve and fade. This can take some time, months or years, depending on the climate and where the work is displayed. In this sense of erasure, the artist proposes a historical review, without fanaticism, seeking to deconstruct the figures that history raises to the condition of heroes.

Click here and download an exclusive catalogue with information about all works by Íris Helena on display in Miami.

For more information, check: fundacionpabloatchugarrymiami.com



Artists: Ashley M. Freeby, Efrat Hakimi, Íris Helena and Lihi Turjeman.
Curated by: Luna Goildberg
Period: January 15 – February 5, 2022
Opening: Saturday, January 15 (6 – 9 pm)
Where: Fundación Pablo Atchugarry – 5520 NE 4th Avenue, Miami, USA

©Portas Vilaseca Galeria.