Our represented artist Lin Lima opens on February, 12, his solo show “Ouroboros” at Centro Municipal Cultural Parque das Ruínas, in Santa Tereza, in Rio de Janeiro’ downtown area.

Curated by Christiane Laclau, the show reflects on cycles of life and death, of expansion and diversification, having as a starting point a botanical micro-universe that the artist helped to articulate in the area where he lives in Niterói, RJ.

In the exhibition space, two paintings will be presented – a 16-meter mural and a large-format canvas – in addition to two objects and a multimedia installation (see the pictures gallery below).

The title of the show refers to a concept symbolized by a serpent or dragon that swallows its own tail. The “Ouroboros” is usually represented by the circle, which seems to indicate, in addition to the eternal return, the spiral of evolution, the sacred dance of death and reconstruction. For curator Christiane Laclau, the totality (in totum) contained in this symbology summarizes the concept of the group of works presented by Lin Lima in his show.

In the paintings “Ouroboros #2” and “Ouroboros #3”, there is a fractal aspect, with a life of its own, in drawings marked by the continuous repetition of the line, without beginning or end. In the installation “O Verde vencerá” [ Green will win ], a small organic garden and a video poetry point to the cycle of life that sprouts from waste and to the spectator’s responsibility for the consequences of their actions on the environment. In the object Meu plano gira feito um planeta redondo” [ My plane rotates like a round planet ], the artist reiterates the idea of a universe in constant rotation.

And finally, in “Círculo viciante” [ Addictive Circle ], Lima manipulates 160 cigarette boxes creating a kind of industrial origami. According to Laclau, “in reversing the form, the sick characters printed to denounce the harmful effects of smoking, appear boxed, in a kind of emulation of the currently cloistered pandemic situation. The structure conceived with the alignment of white boxes, ‘inhabited’ by afflicted beings, presents itself as a ‘mandala’ that mirrors the theme of the exhibition – OUROBOROS – and a reality in which collective behavior determines salvation in the wheel of life”.

“Ouroboros” is on display until April, 10 and is open from Thursdays to Sundays, from 9 am to 4 pm. Free admission.


Curated by: Christiane Laclau
Period: 12.02 – 10.04.2022
Opening: Saturday, 12.02, starting at 2 pm
Where: Centro Cultural Municipal Parque das Ruínas
Rua Murtinho Nobre, 169 – Santa Tereza – Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Visiting times: Thursdays to Sundays (9 am – 4 pm)
Supported by: ArtMotiv, Barin, Portas Vilaseca Galeria and Secretaria de Cultura da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro.




©Portas Vilaseca Galeria.