Artist Íris Helena takes part in the exhibition “Lá, onde estiver” [ There, wherever you are ], which brings together works produced from the expeditions and reflections of a group of artists and researchers around the notions of travel, frontier, border and foreigner. For 1080 days, the group “World Wanderings: Nomadic Poetics” made a trip “around the world”, on foot, without leaving Brasília (DF), covering the sectors of the South and North embassies. The trip started in 2016 and it finishes at 7 pm today, during the opening of the show, which takes place at Caixa Cultural Brasília (running until April 30th).

Helena presents 2 works, 1 still unseen by the public – the installation “Coats of Arms Theater” (2023) – consisting of prints on signposts and steel rods. This work is in dialogue with the group’s expeditions through the embassy sector, where they were always “received” by gates and coats of arms, whose symbols are purely political choices of what best represents a place. In this sense, coats of arms are a synthesis of countries. The artist examines these symbolic elements and creates other narratives based on the natural symbols represented. Another work on display is “Erasing Columbus” (2021-2023), in which she makes thermal prints of 16 images of monuments to Columbus scattered across American countries.

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