We are pleased to announce the commercial representation of Brazilian artist Nádia Taquary.

Born in 1967, in Salvador (Bahia), where she lives and works, Nadia investigates traditions and practices around Afro-Brazilian sacredness, in particular, black women and their ancestral legacy. The artist seeks to question and deconstruct the eugenic, Eurocentric and patriarchal narratives that have long limited important access to knowledge and understanding related to the rich legacy of pre-colonial Africas.

Most recently, she took part in the 24th Sydney Biennale, curated by Cosmin Costinaş and Inti Guerrero. Her latest (and acclaimed) solo show — “Ònà Irin: caminho de ferro” — is on display at the Museu de Arte do Rio – MAR until the end of April.

Her works are part of important institutional collections such as: Pérez Art Museum Miami (PAAM), New York Museum of Art and Design (MAD), Pinacoteca de São Paulo, Inhotim, Museu de Arte do Rio – MAR and Museu de Arte Moderna da Bahia – MAM/BA.

To find out more about the artist, check her official profile page on the gallery’s website.

Welcome to Portas Vilaseca, Nadia!

Photo [Nadia]: Lucas Assis


©Portas Vilaseca Galeria.