Portas Vilaseca participates in a new edition of Arco Lisboa, which opens to the public this following Thursday, 23 May. The fair runs until Sunday, 26 May at Cordoaria Nacional.

This year, we have prepared a special project that presents a dialogue between the work of Brazilian artists Ana Hupe and Pedro Victor Brandão. Both artists belong to separate research universes but complement each other in their critique of accumulation, environmental destruction, and the Anthropocene.

In their practices, Hupe and Brandão engage in collecting found objects (object trouvé). Each one elaborates on their encounters with symbols, signs, and obsolete everyday items in their unique way, acting as mediators who encourage the found objects to speak.

The idea of this project is to rethink the interactions between art, technology and ecology, challenging the public to consider new forms of existence and resistance in a world undergoing rapid transformation and in a persistent state of crisis.

The gallery is taking part in the ‘Opening section, curated by Chus Martinez and Luiza Teixeira de Freitas. Come along and visit us on booth OP02!

Click HERE to access the full preview, which includes the presentation text + information about the artists and all the works selected for our stand at the fair.



Portas Vilaseca at Arco Lisboa 2024
Ana Hupe & Pedro Victor Brandão
Section: Opening
Booth: OP02
23 – 26 May | Cordoaria Nacional
Lisbon, Portugal

Supported by
ABACT – Associação Brasileira de Arte Contemporânea
LATITUDE Platform for Brazilian Art Galleries Abroad

©Portas Vilaseca Galeria.