Artist Marcone Moreira is taking part in the Amazon Biennial in the city of Marabá, in the south-east of Pará, where he lives and works. Until 17 August, SESC Marabá is presenting a segment of the first edition of the Biennial, which took place in Belém in the second half of 2023, bringing together works by 123 artists from the Brazilian Amazon, the eight pan-Amazon countries and the French Guiana.

Marcone is presenting an installation that has been in development for around 10 years. The installation of a JBS meatpacking plant and tannery in Marabá was a determining factor in its conception, resulting in the infestation of bad odors that still linger in the city’s air. The 120 iron hooks incorporated into the work are related to his research into structuring materials such as metal and wood. Here, the artist makes an analogy with the hooks used to slaughter animals — their open links and the imminent possibility of collapse give the work an ambiguous character, as suggested by its title “Provisional Synergy“.

Curated by Keyna Eleison and Vânia Leal, the Amazon Biennial will be touring to other cities in north Brazil.

More info at: @bienalamazonias


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