01.08 – 06.09.2024

Portas Vilaseca is pleased to present ‘Dreming Dashes’, artist Ana Hupe‘s new solo exhibition, curated by Juliana Gontijo.

Featuring around 40 works spread over the gallery’s three floors, the exhibition addresses themes such as immanence and transcendence, the mystique of forms, extractive violence and revolutionary movements. These reflections are presented through silk-screens, fabrics, embroidery, found objects and photograms, all arranged in an instalative setup.

According to curator Juliana Gontijo, ‘each work is a story brought to life by the encounter with a sign or the silence between the lines of a text, to be combined with experiences the artist uncovers during her travels. Between the stone and the sky, we find the entanglements of colonial relationships between Brazil, West Africa, and Europe – particularly Germany, where the artist lives. Hupe uses critical fabulation as a methodological guide, a process that links historical research to the “power of invention” – as writer Saidiya Hartman puts it – to recount forgotten facts and facets of people’s lives, opening new pathways for historical reparations that go beyond the object itself.

[ PDF Catalogue ]


Curated by: Juliana Gontijo
Opening event: 1 Aug, Thursday, 7 pm | Exhibition runs until 6 September 2024.
Where: Portas Vilaseca Galeria – Rua Dona Mariana, 137, casa 2 – Botafogo – Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.
Visiting times: Tues–Fri (11 am – 7 pm);  Sat (11 am – 5 pm).
Free admission.


Pictures Gallery
by Pedro Victor Brandão




©Portas Vilaseca Galeria.