Starting cycle #1 of our ARTE+CARE program, artist Mulambö presents the series “Disguise and Cry”, available in PDF and also in the gallery’s profile on Artsy. In this new set of 20 paintings on cardboard, Mulambö reveals the subtlety of a tear and how it can be transformed into a symbol of strength and resistance.

ARTE+CARE is a program to support our artists and to help people and organizations with relevant actions and projects in the fields of culture, health and primary care. Series of unpublished works at affordable prices (ranging from USD 250 to USD 900 each) were developed exclusively by our represented artists for the program, and each month, part of the sales will be donated to a different initiative. For cycle #1, we chose to support Solar dos Abacaxis’ Emergency Collaborative Fund for Artists and Creators.

Artists Mano Penalva, Ayrson Heráclito and Pedro Victor Brandão will present their works on the following weeks. Cycle #2 will start in June with a new group of artists and a new initiative assisted by the program, and so on.

Click here to download the PDF file, which brings the full series and also more information about the program.

To see the series on our Artsy profile, click here.


©Portas Vilaseca Galeria.