In this last week of cycle#2 of our ARTE+CARE program, we present a new series by Carolina Martinez.

Two months ago, the artist selected some materials available in her studio in Rio de Janeiro and isolated herself in the woods, on the outskirts of the city. Throughout this period of social isolation, the series Refuges has emerged, maintaining some of the artist’s choices regarding the supports, in consonance with her trajectory. This time, Martinez used cedar, from the remains of a construction site. These pieces of solid wood would initially be used in the composition of some skirting boards in a house. However, before being discarded and taken as firewood, they were adopted as support for her new works. Then they were cut, sanded and finally painted. This new series reflects one aspect of the artist’s isolation, in which we can observe the transformation of her feelings of limitation into a material element. In addition, there is an attempt to work with what is possible, in harmony with nature, a “refuge within a refuge”.

Click here to download the PDF file, which brings the full series and also more information about the ARTE+CARE program.

To see the series on our Artsy profile, click here.


ARTE+CARE is a program to support our artists and to help people and organizations with relevant actions and projects in the fields of culture, health and primary care. Series of unpublished works at affordable prices (r a from USD 250 to USD 900 each) were developed exclusively by our represented artists for the program, and each month, part of the sales will be donated to a different initiative.

For this second cycle, we are supporting TOGETHER AGAINST COVID-19, an aid initiative coordinated by the NGO Move Rio, in partnership with other organizations, to help families from different communities throughout the city of Rio de Janeiro who do not have resources and need to stay home during this period of social isolation. The action is run by donations and distribution of basic-needs grocery packages, personal hygiene items and cleaning products. More information at:

Next Saturday, we start the third cycle of ARTE+CARE, bringing a new group of artists and a new initiative assisted by the program. Kicking off cycle #3 is artist Felipe Seixas, who will present a new series of works. On the following weeks, we present works by artists Rafael Pagatini, Zé Carlos Garcia and Ismael Monticelli. Stay tuned on our online channels!


Photos: Demian Jacob

©Portas Vilaseca Galeria.