In this last week of cycle#4 of our ARTE+CARE program, we present a new series by artist Claudia Hersz. Starting from the (now common) experience of cleaning our daily shopping, artist Claudia Hersz noticed the interaction of 70% alcohol sprinkles on shop receipts. Driven by the records on this materials, she created the series Covidian Cartographies – in which the Americas, “Brazils” and planispheres embrace each other, connecting themselves in an organic way, like people do. The rapid erasure of these reactions on the receipt paper led to a search for other supports in order to keep the survival of the images. By adding photographic retouching ink on C-prints, new meanings are boosted and/or generated, based on the uniqueness of each new image; each of them, a unique work. Therefore, Hersz adds new layers to this palimpsest, creating a mesmerizing visual chronicle. From the original material, we will find information about the banality of everyday shopping and also expressions like “Issued under Contingency”, which is, essentially,  a definition of life in our Covidian Era.

Part of the sales of these works will benefit another relevant initiative of public interest in the fields of culture, health and primary care. For this 4th cycle, we will support the project “Lanchonete <> Lanchonete”, a collective work organized and activated by artist Thelma Vilas Boas, which takes place in the ancestral territory known as Little Africa, in the downtown area of Rio de Janeiro. The project works as a cooperative / school of knowledge / community and political kitchen. Since 2016, it has been promoting and strengthening processes of collective learning, exchange and hearing among all its agents: children, youth, adults, artists, workers, teachers, researchers, neighbours, friends and other partners, all together for the purposes of social welfare and the experience of potentialities. The project currently benefits a network of 56 children living in the neighbourhoods of Saúde, Gamboa and Santo Cristo.

Click here to download the PDF file, which brings Deborah Engel’s full series and also more information about the ARTE+CARE program.

To see the series on our Artsy profile, click here.

Next Saturday, we start ARTE+CARE’s last cycle (#5) with a new group of artists and a new initiative supported by the program. Stay tuned on our online channels!


ARTE+CARE is a program to support our artists and to help people and organizations that aid, care, and protect those who are most affected during these difficult times: cultural workers facing economic strain, children and vulnerable communities. Series of unpublished works at affordable prices (ranging from USD 250 to USD 900 each) were developed exclusively by our represented artists for the program, and each month, part of the sales will be donated to a different initiative.

©Portas Vilaseca Galeria.