The 22nd Bienal de Arte Paiz has been opened to the public in Guatemala City and Antiqua Guatyemala. This edition brings a curatorial proposal that seeks to investigate issues around violence, interculturality and contemporary and ancestral history, establishing connections between art and the Latin American diverse context.

Entitled “Lost. In between. Together“, it is curated by Alexia Tala and presents works by 40 local and international artists, as well as two special solo projects by artists Aníbal López (Guatemala City, 1964–2014) and Paz Errázuriz (Santiago de Chile, 1944).

Among the Brazilians, we highlight the participation of our represented artist Ayrson Heráclito, who presents the 2-channel video installation “Ounagülei – Mensageiro dos ancestrais“, a poetic look (with the collaboration of Winston Gonzáles) at the stories and myths of the Garífunas people, an Afro-Caribbean community formed on the Atlantic coast of Guatemala, from the union of the survivors of the sinking of a slave ship with the Caribs, a warrior people from the Orinoco River in Venezuela.

Heráclito also takes part on Saturday (8th May – 5 pm Brazilian time) in the online symposium “Geografía perversa / Geografías malditas“, an open platform for discussing the context of cultural resistance in Guatemala and for reflecting on the present and uncertain future of the Global South. The link for the zoom conference is: bit.ly/simposio-22-arte-paiz

More information at: https://22bienal.fundacionpaiz.org.gt/

Below, an excerpt of the 2-channel videoinstallation:

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