Continuing with cycle #5 of our ARTE+CARE program, Julia Debasse presents her new series “Popular demand, in which she creates small format paintings after submitting the question “What do you want me to paint?” on her Instagram profile. The requests of several people – strangers, friends and family – were met and then assembled according to the narrative possibilities that the artist saw in the groups of works. This practice of executing the images suggested by strangers indicates an attempt to detach oneself from part of the creative work, while facing the challenge of making the image from others one’s own; an experience similar to that of fruition, in which the public tries to appropriate the image created by the artist.

Part of the sales of these works will benefit another relevant initiative of public interest in the fields of culture, health and primary care. In this 5th cycle, we will support the campaign #IPNresiste, which aims to seize funds for the preservation of the Instituto Pretos Novos (Institute of New Blacks) – IPN – currently with no government or institutional supporters. Located in the Gamboa neighbourhood, in the downtown area of Rio de Janeiro, the IPN has the mission of stimulating and promoting the construction of memories in relation to African and Afro Brazilian cultures, as well as fostering reflection on slavery and racial equality in Brazil.

Next week, we bring a new series of paintings by artist Rafael Baron. Stay tuned on our online channels!

Click here to download the PDF file, which brings Julis Debasse’s full series and learn more.

To see the series on our Artsy profile, click here.


ARTE+CARE is a program to support our artists and to help people and organizations that aid, care, and protect those who are most affected during these difficult times: cultural workers facing economic strain, children and vulnerable communities. Series of unpublished works at affordable prices (ranging from USD 250 to USD 900 each) were developed exclusively by our represented artists for the program, and each month, part of the sales will be donated to a different initiative.

©Portas Vilaseca Galeria.