Our represented artist Lin Lima was commissioned to develop an 11 meter mural inside the Leblon Shopping Mall – specially for the 3rd. edition of the Artewall project, curated by Artmotiv.

According to Christiane Laclau, coordinator of the project and author of the critical text that follows the work in the space, “the artist found, in the continuous repetition of the hand-drawn line, the answer to the expression of an imaginary universe that is born from the exercise of a recurring drawing , just like a mantra, which intermingles itself with lines and spots of color, giving relief and depth to a work of great artistry, filled with an emotional and poetic impact. Acrylic paint is applied with precision in curves that differ in their diameter, manifesting organic, three-dimensional and diaphanous images, which suggest scales, plant tissues, webs, cocoons or even soap foam“.

The mural is on display until 25 Feb. Free admission. Visiting times are: Mon-Sat, 10 am – 10 pm; and Sun, 1 pm – 9 pm. The mall is located at Av. Afrânio de Melo Franco, 290, Leblon, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.

©Portas Vilaseca Galeria.