The Sao Paulo Biennial has announced the participation of artist Aryrson Heráclito in its 35th edition, which takes palce from September 6 – December, 10 2023.

About to reach 40 years of trajectory, Heráclito is one of the main names in the art of the African diaspora in the Americas, having received several awards and participated in numerous national and international exhibitions and biennials. His works take the form of installation, performance, photography and video; and are part of important institutional and private collections in Brazil and worldwide.

In this edition, the artist will present – in partnership with poet and musician Tiganá Santana – the multi-sensory installation “Forest of infinity”, which aims to establish a connection of enchantments with forces coming from African entities (in Brazil), Afro-Brazilian and indigenous, such as Oxossi / Mutalambô / Otolu; Ossayin / Katendê / Agué; and the Caboclos..Entitled “Choreographies of the Impossible”, the 35th Biennial has a curatorial collective, consisting of Diane Lima, Grada Kilomba, Hélio Menezes and Manuel Borja-Villel, and intends to explore the possibilities of movement and transformation in the contemporary world.

Click here to learn more and check out the partial list of other participating artists.

©Portas Vilaseca Galeria.