Friday is the day to make available a publication by an artist represented by Portas Vilaseca Galeria in its PDF version for a free download. The bilingual copy arriving today in our virtual library is the book “Archive Practices – Notes“, by artist Íris Helena, published after her solo show that took place at Caixa Cultural, in São Paulo, from November 2019 to January 2020, signalling 10 years of her trajectory. This book brings together photos of the show and also a remarkable text by curator Agnaldo Farias, alongside critical essays by Raphael Fonseca and Karina Dias – all of them in some way resulted in the exhibition project presented. According to Farias, “Iris chases to reconstruct the long-gone facts, as if it was possible to abolish the death of the vanished buildings or the ones on their way. And it turns out that every single one is on its way, even those that are yet to be built, that are in the process of being, or that haven’t even been planned yet. Like everything else, by the way. The maturity of her work is expressed in clear and concise solutions that clarify our unsuccessful attempts to disguise the eminent collapse. Is there going to be health and heyday to prevent the inescapable movement of decay, to disguise the fate that Pessoa, in a verse of his most famous poem, summed up as “the death to damp the walls and whiten the hair of men”?

Download here and enjoy your reading!

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