Friday! It’s day to download another publication of one of our artists in PDF. The copy arriving today in our virtual library is “Conversas com a Paisagem”, by artist Rafael Pagatini. The book brings together stories that emerged  from conversations with passengers on road trips throughout the five regions in Brazil. Commissioned in 2012 by Funarte Scholarship for Production in Visual Arts, this project investigates the affinity between the state of transit and the creative possibilities sparked around the roads and the approximation with the cultural, aesthetic, economic and political context of the road trips in the country. As a result of this experience, photos of the trips were displayed in backlights – in reference to signs present along the roads – and then placed in the waiting room of the bus terminal in the city of Porto Alegre. Also, the book was made available for all passengers to collect at the terminal. Published in 2013 by the Federal University of Espírito Santo, “Conversas com a paisagem” is now part of the collection of the photo library of the Moreira Salles Institute (IMS).

Click here to download and enjoy your reading!


Graphic Design
Adriana Tazima

©Portas Vilaseca Galeria.