12.09 – 21.10.2023 (extended until 28.10)

Portas Vilaseca is pleased to present “ANOMALY“, Élle de Bernardini’s first solo show with the gallery.

Curated by Horrana de Kássia Santoz, the exhibition brings together around 30 new works that reflect on the term “anomaly” applied to bodies that do not correspond to the norms of gender and sexuality established by society throughout history. Through drawings, paintings and 3D works, Bernardini’s proposal is to shed light on the current debate on the polarization of genders and sexes . Each support, as well as each concept investigated in the development of the show, correspond to inflection points around the idea of an anomalous body, and therefore, of identities and subjects considered anomalies in the eyes of heteronormative society.

Artist and curator point out that the term “anomaly” does not have a pejorative connotation as it appears in the dictionary, but rather a possibility, through technological and scientific advances, to verify that all bodies from a certain perspective are anomalous in themselves. And that the “anomaly” is not the exception of the subjects, but the general rule of humanity throughout its own history.

Check through the link below the PDF exhibition catalog, which includes images and information about all works, views of the show, curatorial text and bios of the artist and curator.

[ PDF Catalogue ]



Curated by: Horrana de Kássia Santoz
Period of the show: September, 12th – October, 21st 2023
(extended until October, 28th)
Opening: September, 12th  7 pm
Where: Portas Vilaseca Galeria
Rua Dona Mariana, 137 – casa 2 – Botafogo – 22280-020 Rio de Janeiro, RJ.
Visiting times: Tues to Fri, 11 am – 7 pm;; Sat, 11 am – 5 pm.
Free admission



Pictures Gallery
by Rafael Salim


©Portas Vilaseca Galeria.