13.02.2020 – 14.03.2020

The group show “Corpo Poético/Político” (Poetic/Political Body) is curated by Fernando Mota and proposes to embrace and shuffle possible readings on the symbolic and representative role of the human body in today’s poetics and politics. Through the direct image and the testimonies left by the body, a series of questions are raised around the inherent meanings and implications derived from what is considered poetic and/or political today.

Participating in the show are artists Ayrson Heráclito, Berna Reale, Bianca Turner, Jorge Soledar, Lenora de Barros, Lyz Parayzo, Maria Noujaim, Mano Penalva and Mauricio Ianês. The selected artists use different media and supports – in some cases, they allow the public to visualize not only the final result of the work, but also the process to achieve it. Their assessments of politics and poetics are unique and the way they distill both within the works is also unique: while some believe in a political result, others bet on a poetic outcome – but the line between one and the other is subtle. Does the politics/poetics of the spectator reflect the poetics/politics of the artist? Does the intention catch up with the interpretation?

We know that the body has both political and poetic potential, without it these concepts alone would not be sustainable. But is there a clear division between a political act and a poetic act? When we do politics, do we involuntarily do it in a poetic way? Do our poetic manifestations have political roots? There are countless ways to question and interpret the intersections of these two foundations of human nature. The exhibition intends to explore nuances of this old discussion, investigate the implied senses and lead to the clash of different opinions.



Corpo Poético-Político” [ Poetic/Political Body ]
Curated by: Fernando Mota
Period: 13 February 14 March 2020
Artists: Ayrson Heráclito, Berna Reale, Bianca Turner, Jorge Soledar, Lenora de Barros, Lyz Parayzo, Mano Penalva, Maria Noujaim and Maurício Ianês.

Performances / Actions:

Bianca Turner
O agora ou os infinitos caminhos a Deus, 2017
13 February, 8:30 pm

Mauricio Ianês
Lama, 2020
Continuous action in the gallery, 13 – 20 February and 7  – 14 March

Maria Noujaim
Suspiros, 2020
14 de Março

Talk  with Fernando Mota, Maria Noujaim and Maurício Ianês
14 March

Critical text

Click here and download the curatorial text (in Portuguese only) and the exhibition map in PDF.


Pictures Gallery
by Rafael Salim



©Portas Vilaseca Galeria.