23.11.2023 – 19.01.2024 

Portas Vilaseca Galeria is pleased to present EWÊ | OMÍ, a group show curated by Catarina Duncan featuring 37 works by 20 artists from different generations and artistic expressions, including artists who are represented by the gallery and guests.

Conceived around two works by artist Ayrson Heráclito – `Agué com Avivi’ (2022) and ‘Sacudimentos – O encontro das margens do Atlântico’ [‘Shakings – the meeting of the Atlantic’s shores’] (2015) – the show is divided into two points of view: land and sea.

The first work depicts an entity hailing from the Jeje branch of the Candomblé religion known as Agué. He holds his tool in an image that pays tribute to the ancestors of the land’s pantheon. Located on the gallery’s ground floor, this segment of the show deals with the plant world, the power of herbs, and the medicine of leaves, honoring the ground on which we stand.

The second work is a video in which the artist carries out a profound energy cleanse at two different points in the Atlantic, as a ritual meant to activate and soothe colonial territories. Located on the gallery’s top floor, this section invites us to understand the sea as a territory of crossings, comprehending the waters as a source of balance capable of nourishing, appeasing, and refreshing the land, bodies, and heads. Within the historical context of the diasporas, the seas take on the role of a pathway.

[ PDF Catalogue ]


Curated by: Catarina Duncan
Artists: Adriano Machado, Aldeia-Escola-Floresta, Ana Beatriz Almeida, Ana Bia Silva, Ana Hupe, André Vargas, Ayrson Heraclito, Chico Da Silva, Glauco Rodrigues, José Adário, José Antonio Da Silva, José Bezerra, Keila Sankofa, Kika Carvalho, Mayra Karvalho, Mulambö, Pedro Neves, Silvana Mendes, Simba e Zé Carlos Garcia.
Period of the show: November 23 – January 19, 2024
Opening: November 23,  5 pm
Where: Portas Vilaseca Galeria (Rua Dona Mariana, 137 – casa 2 – Botafogo – 22280-020 Rio de Janeiro, RJ.
Visiting times: Tues to Fri, 11 am – 7 pm; Sat, 11 am – 5 pm.
Free admission


by Rafael Salim


©Portas Vilaseca Galeria.