24.02 – 13.04.2024  (extended until 20 April)

The second edition of the program “Verão na Vila” marks the kickoff of the 2024 exhibition season at Portas Vilaseca, with the opening of “Fractures“, the latest solo show by artist Marcone Moreira, featuring a critical text by poet and writer Eucanaã Ferraz.

Fractures” showcases the evolution and innovative trajectories of Marcone Moreira‘s groundbreaking artistic research on the naval universe, taking up two floors of the gallery building with around 20 works, including paintings, objects and installations.

Writer and poet Eucanaã Ferraz, who signs the critical text, comments: “As a material reality, the fracture doesn’t just expose the past; above all, it reveals the decay of every presence and of the present. As an archaeological fragment of a ruin, it triggers in us the memory or fantasy of a lost totality, but it also anticipates the future destruction of what today seems whole, useful, perennial.

[ PDF Catalogue ]


VERÃO NA VILA presents:
“Fraturas” – Marcone Moreira
Critical text: Eucanaã Ferraz
Opening: Saturday, 24th February  | 2 – 6 pm
Exhibition continues until April, 13th
Visiting times: Tuesdays to Fridays (11 am – 7 pm), and Saturdays (11 am – 5 pm)
Rua Dona Mariana, 137 – Botafogo – Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Free admission


Pictures Gallery
by Rafael Salim




©Portas Vilaseca Galeria.