SP-ARTE 2021


At SP-ARTE 2021, Portas Vilaseca Galeria presented a special solo project displaying the latest production of Minas Gerais-born artist Gustavo Nazareno, who brought togeheter 10 oil paintings of different dimensions and 19 charcoal drawings taken from his series “Bará“. In common, these works emerge from fables, poems and also from Nazareno’s personal spirituality, guided by the orixá Exu and other entities surrounding them. Curator and researcher Ana Paula Lopes signed the critical text.

According to Lopes, Gustavo takes us to an oneiric space, full of power, mystery, sumptuousness and beauty, in which he explores luminosity, chiaroscuro, contour and volume. A work that not only honors classical art and the baroque romanticism of master Aleijadinho, but also affirms its contemporary ethos, remodelled by the Yoruba pantheon (its rites and “giras”) and by references that run through the history of fashion, queer culture and the voguing scene.


by Ana Pigosso



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