The 2021 edition of Untitled, Art – Miami Beach was back to its physical version and it brought together more than 140 galleries from all over the world, as well as non-profit collectives and organizations. Portas Vilaseca Galeria participated once again, this time presenting a unique selection of works by artists Mano Penalva, Pedro Victor Brandão, Rafael Baron and Zé Carlos Garcia.

One of the highlights was the work Luto Tropical” [ Tropical Mourning ], by Zé Carlos Garcia. Comprising a set of pieces that articulate fragments of Portuguese colonial furniture with feathers and plumes, this large panel illustrates a deep dive into the origins, diversity and ambiguities of a tropical continent, in addition to promoting a meeting of times, when this kind of furniture no longer exist, as well as some birds that no longer fly – a time when the end is imminent and we seem all in mourning.

Rafael Baron exhibited his large format paintings that dialogue with portraits and empowering social relations.

Pedro Victor Brandão brought together photographs from his series “Proofs of Work” – unique prints made between 1992 and 2012, then later scanned in high resolution and tokenized on the Ephimera platform. Also by Brandão, new paintings from his series “Totalities” are displayed, showing abstract fields of color that took shape from data on the regimes of accumulation, transfer and extraction of capital.

And finally, Mano Penalva presented new compositions from his series “Origin”, which arise from the juxtaposition of iconographies, languages ​​and color fields found in raffia bags that travel the world carrying dry goods. Also by Penalva, works from the series “Detours”, developed from the combination of a variety of country flags found in different second-hand stores and fairs. In the space, the flags appear folded and semi-veiled, and are organized in particular ways, proposing new readings for a symbol that still has a powerful influence on collective imaginaries.



©Portas Vilaseca Galeria.