Luce Gallery, located in Turin (Italy), presents the exhibition “The Dance” – a group show that brings together works by 15 artists from different origins and backgrounds, including paintings, drawings and sculptures. Brazilian artists Kika Carvalho and Pedro Neves participate exhibiting new paintings (see gallery below).

“The Dance” incorporates the rhythmic movements – both literal and metaphorical – of diverse dance styles, in references to our cultural histories.

About the production of her new works, which inaugurate a new palette of colors in her practice, Carvalho comments: “Dancing is usually evoked as a collective act, even for two, but I think a lot about understanding the pleasure of one’s own company, in which loneliness is not loaded with a stigma but understood as a choice, a moment of introspection. I think that, after all, talking about dance is talking about painting. In the solitary practice of the artist in the studio, moving around the space with their instruments, making choices, missing steps, correcting others“.

Pedro Neves also understands the painting process as something alive, which permeates a sense of movement. In the composition of his diptych, the artist accentuates lines and points, focusing on the relationship between dance and natural events (such as the wind) and the culture of indigenous people. Rhythms like “samba de coco”, for example, arise from the construction of malocas ¹ and wattle and daub houses.

“The Dance” is on display until April, 28. More info at:

Pictures gallery

©Portas Vilaseca Galeria.