On display at the Pretos Novos Research and Memory Institute, Mulambö’s new solo show entitled “Orubu”, which brings together his most recent production.

Curated by Marco Antonio Teobaldo, the exhibition revolves around a symbol that is very present in the artist’s practice, a kind of metaphor that moves around life and death. According to Mulambö, “Ourubu is the one who flies high and eats everything”.

Surrounding a giant sculpture that represents the bird, other works are displayed in the space that tie together concepts about people erased from history, but who are of extreme importance for the systems that are part of it. Contrary to the association normally made between vultures and dumps, slaughterhouses and places where there is scattered garbage, Mulambö’s approach refers to renewal and recognition, to the individual and also to the collective.

The exhibition runs until November. To download the PDF catalog, which includes images of all the works on display and the full curatorial text, click HERE.


OURUBU | Mulambö
Curated by: Marco Antonio Teobaldo
Pretos Novos Research and Memory Institute
Rua Pedro Ernesto, 32, Gamboa – Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Next to Praça da Harmonia tram station.
Visiting times: Tuesdays to Fridays, 10 am – 4 pm
Saturdays, 10 am – 12 pm
More information:

©Portas Vilaseca Galeria.