Scheduled to open on 25 March, “Mulambö todo de ouro” inaugurates our 2021 exhibition programme.

Mulambö’s first solo show at the gallery will bring together unpublished works, including paintings, objects and interventions in photographs and textiles.

Mulambö todo de ouro” (translated to English as “Mulambö all in gold“) is an exhibition about values, weights and powers. Understanding gold beyond the precious stone – as a symbol of wealth and strength, and at the same time of exploration and dispute.

The artist, through a new set of works, will emerge full of gold. A gold that is beautiful, but also representing a past of violence.

Mulambö todo de ouro” is an exhibition about all the weight and shine that gold carries, but also about all the weight and shine that WE carry.

The image highlighted displays details of one of these works in process – part of a new series of paintings on cardboard entitled “Anel de Bamba“, which are being produced by the artist in his studio/house in São Gonçalo, RJ. More information to be posted soon!

Click here to access the artist’s profile page and check more images of works + videos, CV and bio.


©Portas Vilaseca Galeria.