Opening tomorrow at the São Paulo Cultural Center (CCSP) the 2nd Exhibition of the 32nd Exhibition Program, which features simultaneous solo shows by 10 Brazilian contemporary artists. The program, one of the pioneers of the genre in the country, aims to build a repertoire of thoughts that emerge in the field of visual arts nowadays, establishing relationships between emerging and established artists. Selected for this edition, artist Mulambo developed especially for the space the installation “The pledge of equality”, comprising 11 piles of tires painted with figures of football players, which form a complete team in the front view. On the back, the respective numbers of their shirts appear. And raised above, a double-sided flag brings a yellow sun with a white background on the front and on the back, on a black background, the drawing of a bleeding wound.

This commissioned work bears the unique mark of Mulambö’s poetics and visual repertoire, which starts from a verse of the Brazilian national anthem to intertwine different imaginaries of a country, whose identity is forged in stories of violence and resistance.

According to Raquel Barreto, who signs the critical essay: “by resuming symbols that revolve around an ultranationalist and uncritical celebration of our identity, the artist ‘dribbles the ball”, proposing a critical reading capable of unraveling layers and revealing what is behind the cover and appearances”.

In parallel with the 10 exhibitions – which run until February 2023 – the artists Rosana Paulino and Dora Longo Bahia are also exhibiting new projects.

Selected artists
Camila Soato
Lia Mae D Castro
Juliana de Oliveira
Marcelino de Melo Gadi (Nenê)
Marjô Mizumoto
Natali Mamani
Rogério Vieira
Rose Afefé
Xadalu Tupã Jekupé

Guest artists
Rosana Paulino
Dora Longo Bahia

2nd Show – 32nd CCSP Exhibition Program
Period: 05 Nov 2022 to 26 Feb 2023
Opening event: 5 Nov 2022, 3 pm
Visiting times: Tues to Fri, 10 am – 8 pm; Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, 10 am – 6 pm
Where: Piso Caio Graco – Centro Cultural São Paulo CCSP
Rua Vergueiro, 1000 – Paraíso – São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Free admission


by Bia Silva

©Portas Vilaseca Galeria.