Represented by Portas Vilaseca Galeria, artist Mulambö presents “Traçantes” (“Tracers“), his first solo show in São Paulo – part of the project “Conflict, insurgencies and resistance“, which closes a cycle of exhibitions at Sesc Santana freely inspired by Euclides da Cunha’s book “Os Sertões”.

In a series of interventions on photos found on the internet  – and having as a starting point some pillars of our formation as people -, Mulambö seeks to invert the power in scenes that document the daily life of the city – surrounded by leisure and violence – by renovating a narrative about the history of Rio de Janeiro, intertwined with carnival and various classic samba songs.

According to the artist, faith, historical heritage, social construction, violence and resistance are essential to understand the ground on which we stand, because whoever stepped before us is the one who enables us to step on who comes after us. The idea is to reinforce the role of figures and presences who are marginalized by official history through traces that, unlike the “tracer ammunitions”, carry life.

Traçantes” continues until June 2021 at the Sesc Santana unit, in the northern area of São Paulo. Artists Denilson Baniwa, Regina Parra and the collective Trovoa also participate in the project with individual shows. More information at:


©Portas Vilaseca Galeria.