We are pleased to announce the commercial representation of artist Mai-Britt Wolthers.

Born in Denmark and living in São Paulo since the late 1980s, Wolthers works with painting, sculpture, engraving and video. In her research and practice, she explores the relationship between color and form, creating a movement between abstraction and representation. Her creations focus on visual balance and are rather suggestive than figurative, mixing imagination and reality, experience and rationality. She has exhibited in several spaces in Brazil, and also in Switzerland, Portugal, Denmark and the United Kingdom.

By announcing her representation, we strengthen an ongoing partnership – as a guest artist, she has been participating in various special projects at Portas Vilaseca, including art fairs and collective exhibitions. Currently, the artist is preparing her first solo show at the gallery, curated by Ligia Canongia and scheduled to open on July, 19th.

Welcome to Portas Vilaseca, Mai-Britt Wolthers!

Learn more about the artist checking her official profile page.

©Portas Vilaseca Galeria.