Awarded with the 3rd Décio Noviello Visual Arts Prize, artist Pedro Neves brings together his production from the last two years in the exhibition “Tripa“, which is on display at Genesco Murta Gallery, at Palácio das Artes, in Belo Horizonte (MG). Promoted by the Clóvis Salgado Foundation, this new edition of the Prize seeks to bring the public closer to a generation of young and promising Brazilian artists who have been reflecting on the course of figurative painting in contemporary times, in the midst of geopolitical, identity and memory erasure issues.

Curated by Amanda Carneiro, the show explores the possibilities of painting in a set of works that shed light on the materiality of straw and dough. The exhibition design evokes a circular path, taking the concept of “circle”. About this proposal, Pedro comments: “The ‘roda’ [ circle] is very present in Afro-Brazilian traditions: samba, capoeira, candomblé, etc . What they all have in common is that they are inclusive. All people in a ‘roda’ have a role, be it clapping, responding to the choir, dancing or being a leader. In a ‘roda’, every spectator is also the artist”, exalts Neves. “My intention is that this circular movement brings a sensation so that people feel part of the works, and enter this universe”.

Tripa” runs until May 28th. Admission is free and visiting times are: Tues to Sat (12 – 9 pm) and on Sundays (5 – 8 pm). Don’t miss it!

For more information, click here.

The Décio Noviello Visual Arts Award has been held since 2008. With changes in format throughout the editions, the Award is an important tool to encourage artistic production nationwide, allowing public access to different languages. An initiative already consolidated as a prominent event in the country’s artistic scene, the award aims to promote contemporary artistic production and the dissemination of new talents.


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©Portas Vilaseca Galeria.