Represented by Portas Vilaseca Galeria, artist Rafael Baron presents new works in his first solo show outside Brazil, on display at “The Cabin”, in Los Angeles (USA).

The exhibition “Entitled” brings together Baron’s most recent production in painting and is part of the “Wish You Were Here” project, a series of art shows by artists who because of Covid-19 couldn’t make it personally to Los Angeles to work at The La Brea Studio Artists Residency, associated with the space “The Cabin”. More information at: www.thecabinla.com

Check in the gallery below some photos of the works on display:


Rafael Baron’s practice deals with painting and how it can evoke different ways of posing. Interested in the fiction of pose in the field of fashion photography and in the history of painting, his works generally deal with black and female bodies. Between a figurative approach to painting and an interest in different abstract patterns, his images refer to portraiture and the tensions between single and group portraits. Who are these figures that look at the viewer in such similar and mysterious ways?

Raphael Fonseca, art critic and curator


©Portas Vilaseca Galeria.