Represented by Portas Vilaseca Galeria, artist Ramonn Vieitez participates in the first exhibition at Galeria Café, a new space in São Paulo that mixes gastronomy, music and art.

Ramonn presents five oil paintings in different scales, alongside works by artists Beatriz Meneses, Rodrigo Martins and Michelle Martines. Dasartes magazine is responsible for the curatorship, and also for the exhibition programming in the space.

At all times in history, the culture of society creates expectations for each individual. And, at all times, by failing to meet such expectations, these individuals end up making history. In a peculiar time, when life has never seemed so precious to us, the exhibition “Ser vivo, livre, eu” celebrates individuality, the space we create in society to be ourselves, a space where we can strip off expectations and be respected in our joy, desire, love, sadness, loneliness.

Running until 2 May, the show is open to the public from Wednesdays to Sundays, from 11 am to 8 pm.

Galeria Café is located at Praça Benedito Calixto, 103 – Pinheiros, Sao Paulo.

More information at: www.galeriacafe.com.br/exposicao

©Portas Vilaseca Galeria.