We are pleased to announce the commercial representation of artist Julia Debasse. Born in Rio de Janeiro in 1985, Julia lives and works in Fortaleza, Ceará. She studied painting for four years with João Magalhães and Walter Goldfarb at Parque Lage’s Visual Arts School, in Rio de Janeiro. In 2008, she was selected for a yearlong course for artists and art educators at Daros Latin America, where she participated in several workshops led by artists and curators such as Humberto Veléz, Tonel, Los Carpinteiros, Luis Camnitzer, and Fernando Cocchiarale.

In her works, Julia explores narratives that incorporate elements and references to “low” and “high culture.” Through paintings and drawings, she seeks to eliminate the spaces that supposedly exist between these realms.

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©Portas Vilaseca Galeria.